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A Part of the Music

First there was the sound of the instrument, and it was thought that is all there was to music.

Then songs were composed and the song became a part of music.

Then songs became segments of larger works and these compositions became a part of music.

Then the musicians (and conductors) gave music their own interpretation and the performances they made became a part of music.

Then the studio was invented and now the treatment of the instrument and how music was produced and recorded became a part of music.

And now with new ways of thinking about music the listener is the participant is the instrument and they are no longer passive bystanders and they too become a part of the music.

This last part is interesting and can be realized in different ways. Instead of merely streaming a track you would be allowed to download the different elements of a song and remix it yourself. Or by providing feedback during a live show to influence what or how a performer performs, or the actual sound itself (by extending the control of the sound to the crowd and not just the band).


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