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Philosophy of Attitude.

I have been thinking lately about how to live. Your day to day life, moment to moment. What should I think and feel when I wake in the morning. What should my attitude be through the day. With what disposition should I approach obstacles in life, or just life's events. And I had no answer. And I realized I have been negligent here, without agency around myself in a spectacularly important way. Probably the most fundamental way: attitude.

My concept of philosophy is, in general, that perception brings about knowledge, knowledge brings about judgment (wisdom), wisdom brings action. And with action you were done. But I'm lacking a mature concept of aesthetic. Something that can combine all the precepts of my knowledge, my beliefs, my actions and my history with agency, reflection and disposition.

Update 5/19/2018: I have since discovered Everyday Aesthetics. Very interesting I should be preoccupied with this and aesthetics. I am just now learning about aesthetics and did not expect the two to be connected.


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